MacNaughton Raises Money for Aloha United Way’s Workplace Giving Campaign

MacNaughton Team on Aloha United Way Fundraiser

MacNaughton partnered with Aloha United Way to support their workplace giving campaign in 2022. Team members, from executives to admins, put themselves on the line while doing funny dares to inspire giving. The group fundraising challenge was met with grace, laughter, and good cheer. In doing so, MacNaughton raised thousands of dollars in just a few hours, all while having an amazing team bonding experience.  

Emily Reber Porter, Chief Operating Officer of MacNaughton and this year’s AUW Tocqueville Society’s Co-Chair, led the charge. “We met with the AUW fundraising team to learn more about how to run a campaign, and they explained how some companies have used dares to foster fun and philanthropy,” said Porter. “The dares idea sounded like a fun way to inspire giving while celebrating our team’s shared value of community.”

The most significant donations poured in around the dare of MacNaughton’s General Counsel, Sheree Stewart, who was willing to wear a dinosaur costume and go out to have lunch while wearing it in public. And recent hire to the company, Duff Janus, surprised the team when he busted out a break-dancing routine for everyone.  

The team bonding which happened was just as valuable as the fundraising. “The pledge event spanned about two hours, and the experience brought our team together, with lots of smiles and laughter, too,” said Porter. In addition, MacNaughton’s team raised thousands of dollars for the community during this short event.

To learn more about running an AUW Workplace Giving Campaign, please contact

Katie Kaanapu